Child Protection Policy Statement
The Irish Architectural Archive (the IAA) undertakes to provide a safe environment and experience for children visiting No. 45 Merrion Square. It will adhere to the recommendations of Children First; National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children published by the Department of Health and Children.
The IAA will refer any child protection and welfare issues to the appropriate agencies. In particular, if the IAA encounters or has concerns or suspects abuse of a child or young person it will report these concerns to TUSLA The Child and Family Agency and/or An Garda SÃochána.
The IAA wishes to support and protect its staff and the guidelines in this Policy will ensure that there is no doubt over responsibilities, obligations and standards. The following procedures are covered in this policy:
- Risk Analysis
- Code of behaviour for staff
- Reporting of suspected or disclosed abuse
- Confidentiality
- Recruitment and selecting staff
- Managing and supervising staff
- Involvement of primary carers
- Allegations of misconduct or abuse by staff
- Complaints and comments
- Incidents and accidents
- Code of conduct for visitors
The IAA Child protection Policy is available to all via the Archive’s website and on request from the CEO.
The policy will be reviewed regularly.
Colum O’Riordan
1 Risk Assessment
An assessment of any potential for harm to a child while visiting the IAA has been carried out. Below is a list of the areas of risk identified and the list of procedures for managing these risks.
Risk identified | Procedure in place to manage identified risk |
1. Risk of harm to a child from a member of staff | Supervision of a parent, guardian, teacher or primary carer is required at all times.
Staff recruitment procedures. Staff Code of Behaviour.
2. Risk of harm by a visitor to the IAA
Supervision of a parent, guardian, teacher or primary carer is required at all times.
CCTV monitoring in all public areas of the IAA . |
3. Risk of harm by another child in the IAA
Supervision of a parent, guardian, teacher or primary carer is required at all times.
4. Tripping or falling | Supervision of a parent, guardian, teacher or primary carer is required at all times.
5. Getting separated from parent/guardian | Supervision of a parent, guardian, teacher or primary carer is required at all times.
Code of Behaviour in place for staff who encounter separated children. Designated Liaison Person appointed who will deal directly with separated children.
6. Leaving the premises unattended
Supervision of a parent, guardian, teacher or primary carer is required at all times. |
7. Attending child-specific workshops or other events | Child specific event to be run by Garda vetted and registered professional service providers only.
Children to be accompanied to and from the venue by parent, guardian, teacher or primary carer. Parent, guardian, teacher or primary carer to remain on premises for duration of event. The Code of Conduct for Visitors to the IAA deals with expectations from those accompanying group visits.
8. TU work placement | Letter of permission required from parent, guardian, or primary carer.
Letter of permission required from school. Code of Behaviour in place for staff who will be in contact with young people on TC work placement Designated Liaison Person appointed who will supervise TU work placements.
9. Child/young person registering as a Reader | To register as a reader individuals must be 18 years old or older.
Younger researchers must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, teacher or primary carer.
2 Code of behaviour for staff
The code of behaviour for IAA staff is categorised under the following headings:
Child-centred approach
Good practice
Inappropriate behaviour
Physical contact
Health and Safety
In keeping with the commitment to a child centred approach IAA staff will:
- Treat all children and young people equally
- Listen to and respect children and young people
- Involve children and young people in decision-making, as appropriate
- Provide encouragement, support and equal praise (regardless of ability)
- Use appropriate language
- Encourage a positive atmosphere
- Offer constructive criticism when needed
- Treat all children and young people as individuals
- Respect a child’s or young person’s personal space
- Discuss boundaries on behaviour and related sanctions, as appropriate, with children and young people and their primary carers
- Agree group contact before beginning sessions
- Encourage feedback from the group
- Use age-appropriate teaching aids and materials
- Lead by example
- Be cognisant of a child’s or a young person’s limitations, i.e. medical conditions
- Create an atmosphere of trust
- Respect differences of ability, culture, religion, race and sexual orientation
The IAA will adopt the following good practice:
- Register the primary carer of each child/young person, as appropriate, participating in an IAA activity (name, address, phone, special requirements, attendance, emergency contact)
- Make primary carers, children/young people, visitors and facilitators aware of the Child Protection Policy and procedures
- Request primary carers to supervise the children in their care at all times
- Require facilitators and others working with children and young people at the IAA who are non IAA staff to be made aware of and accept the Archive Child Protection Policy
- Set out clearly for young people requesting work experience the exact nature of the placement, the place and conditions of work and ensure that he/she is comfortable with the proposed arrangements before commencement
- Ensure that parental consent is granted for young people who undertake work experience at the IAA
- Have procedures in place for emergencies and make all staff aware of these procedures
- Be inclusive of children and young people with special needs
- Report any concerns to the IAA Designated Liaison Person ensuring reporting procedures are followed
- Encourage children and young people to report any bullying, concerns or worries
- Observe appropriate dress and behaviour
- Have appropriate work practices in place and evaluate them on a regular basis
- Provide appropriate training for staff and volunteers
- Report and record any incidents and accidents
- Update and review relevant policies and procedures regularly
- Have procedures in place for dealing with lost/found children
- Inform primary carers of any issues that concern their children
- Ensure proper IAA supervision, based on adequate ratios, according to age, abilities and activities involved
- Ensure that primary carers are present at all educational sessions/workshops
- Have an active policy in relation to concerns around child protection
- Respond promptly to concerns
- Maintain awareness of child protection issues when engaging with children and young people and in particular, around language and comments made
The following guidelines regarding inappropriate behaviour will apply:
- Never spend time alone with children/young people without the knowledge of other staff members
- Never use or allow offensive or sexually suggestive physical and/or verbal language
- Never single out a particular child/young person for unfair favouritism, criticism, ridicule, or unwelcome focus or attention
- Never socialise with children/young people outside of structured IAA activities
- Never allow/engage in inappropriate touching of any form
- Avoid physical contact with any child/young person (except in an emergency or a dangerous situation)
- Never hit or physically chastise a child/young person
- Never verbally chastise a child/young person in an aggressive manner
- Never engage in horseplay
The following guidelines regarding health and safety will apply:
- Do not leave children unattended or unsupervised
- Manage any dangerous materials
- Provide a safe environment
- Be aware of the accident procedure and follow accordingly
3 Reporting of suspected or disclosed abuse
Designated Liaison Person
The Designated Liaison Person for the IAA is Aisling Dunne. She is the contact persons for all staff who wish to report a concern they have or a concern reported by a third party on any aspect of a child’s or young person’s safety and welfare. If the Designated Liaison Person is not available please contact the CEO.
It is the responsibility of IAA Management to advise staff about policy and procedures in relation to child protection.
It is the responsibility of the Designated Liaison Persons to liaise directly with the TUSLA or An Garda SÃochána where appropriate.
Issues which would constitute reasonable grounds for concern
- Specific indication from the child or young person that s/he has been abused
- An account by a person who saw the child/young person being abused
- Evidence, such as an injury or behaviour, which is consistent with abuse and unlikely to be caused another way
- An injury or behaviour which is consistent both with abuse and with an innocent explanation but where there are corroborative indicators supporting the concern that it may be a case of abuse (an example of this would be a pattern of injuries, an implausible explanation, other indications of abuse, dysfunctional behaviour)
In addressing concerns in relation to the welfare of a child or young person the following information should be noted and recorded:
- Suspicions Concerns
- Worrying observations
- Behavioural changes
- Any actions taken and outcomes reached
In dealing with a disclosure and/or concern staff are required
- To stay calm and listen to the child/young person, allowing him or her enough time to say what he/she needs to say
- Not to use leading questions or prompt details
- To reassure the child/young person but do not promise to keep anything secret
- Not to make the child/young person repeat the details unnecessarily
- To explain to the child/young person what will happen next (explanation should be age appropriate)
Procedures for passing on a concern
- The staff member will bring the concern to the attention of the Designated Liaison Persons at the earliest opportunity
- The staff member who expresses concern will be required to complete a file report in consultation with the Designated Liaison Person outlining the situation, including the date, time and people involved, the report should be factual. Any opinions should be stated as such and supported by factual information
- Staff will facilitate direct access to the Designated Liaison Person if requested by a primary carer or by a child or young person
- The Designated Liaison Person will decide the most appropriate action to be taken to deal with the concern and may decide to discuss it with the primary carers and /or make a report to the TUSLA (via the online portal) and An Garda SÃochána
- The Designated Liaison Person may contact the TUSLA for an informal consultation prior to making the report
- All persons involved should be made aware (by the Designated Liaison Person) of a report to TUSLA and/or An Garda SÃochána unless it is likely to put the child/young person at further risk
- Information will be shared on a strictly need to know basis
- If there are reasonable grounds for concern as outlined above the Designated Liaison Person will contact the TUSLA. If the IAA Designated Liaison Persons is not available the concerned staff may need to contact the TUSLA directly and subsequently advise the relevant Designated Liaison Person as soon as possible
- An Garda SÃochána should be contacted in case of emergencies outside TUSLA working hours. In situations that threaten the immediate safety of a child/young person An Garda SÃochána should be contacted directly
- Any procedures not being implemented should be brought to the attention of the CEO.
Please note that the Protection for Persons Reporting Child Abuse Act 1998 grants the provision of immunity from civil liability to any person who reports child abuse reasonably and in good faith to Designated Liaison Officers of Health Boards or any member of An Garda SÃochána.
4 Confidentiality
The IAA is committed to ensuring people’s rights to confidentiality. However, in relation to child protection and welfare, the IAA undertakes that:
- Information will only be forwarded on a need to know basis in order to safeguard the child/young person
- Giving such information to others for the protection of a child or young person is not a breach of confidentiality
- All persons involved have a right to know if personal information is being shared and/or a report is being made to the HSE/Garda SÃochána, unless doing so, could put the child/young person at further risk
- Images of a child/young person will not be used for any reason without the written consent of the parent/carer
- Procedures will be in place for the recording and storing of information in line with the IAA Data Protection Policy
5 Recruiting and selecting staff
The IAA will ensure that staff are carefully selected, trained and supervised to provide a safe environment for all children and young people, by observing the following principles:
- Roles and responsibilities will be clearly defined for every job
- Posts will be advertised as appropriate to the job
- The IAA will endeavour to select the most suitably qualified personnel
- Candidates will be required to complete an Application Form (to be drafted)
- At least two references that are recent, relevant, independent and verbally confirmed will be necessary
- Staff will be selected by a panel of at least three (or more) representatives through an interview process mindful of gender balance
- No person deemed to constitute a ‘risk’ will be employed. Some of the exclusions would include:
- Any child related conviction
- Refusal to sign Application Form and Declaration Form
- Insufficient documentary evidence of identification
- Concealing information on one’s suitability for the position
- A probationary period will apply as appropriate to the post.
External staff appointed to provide child specific workshops or other events will have appropriate training, qualifications and Garda vetting.
6 Managing and supervising staff
To protect both staff and children/young people, the IAA undertakes that:
- New staff will:
- Receive induction training the IAA Child Protection Policy and Procedures
- Be given a copy of the IAA Staff Handbook, Child Protection Policy and Procedures, and the name of the Designated Liaison Person
- Undergo an appropriate probationary period as outlined in the contract.
All staff will:
- Receive child protection induction training in line with the IAA Child Protection Policy and Procedures
- Receive the appropriate level of training and guidance in the area of child protection as appropriate to their role at the IAA
- Be required to read and sign acceptance of the IAA Child Protection Policy
7 Involvement of primary carers
The primary responsibility for the welfare of children visiting the IAA rests with the carers, group leaders and teachers at all times.
The IAA requires them to ensure that they, and all children and young adults in their care, meet standards of good conduct and behaviour and are courteous and cooperative with IAA staff.
The IAA will endeavour to ensure age appropriateness for all its activities; however, it is the primary carers’ responsibility to ensure that the programme is suitable for the child or group in its care.
Primary carers of children, group leaders and/or teachers are required to remain with their group while on site as advised.
The IAA is committed to being open with primary carers and undertakes to:
- Advise primary carers, in particular, teachers and group leaders of their responsibilities regarding supervision of children / young people in their care
- Advise primary carers of our Child Protection Policy and Procedures
- Advise primary carers and schools of the type of activities and potential activities that young people will participate in at the IAA
- Issue contact/consent forms where relevant
- Comply with Health and Safety practices
- Operate child-centred policies in accordance with best practice
- Encourage and facilitate the involvement of parent(s), carer(s) or responsible adult(s), where appropriate
If the IAA has concerns about the welfare of the child/young person, it will:
- Respond to the needs of the child or young person
- Inform the primary carers, on an on-going basis, unless this action puts the child or young person at further risk
- Where there are child protection and welfare concerns the IAA is obliged to follow the IAA’s reporting procedures
- In the event of a complaint against a member of staff, the IAA will immediately ensure the safety of the child/young person and inform primary carers as appropriate
As a child-centred organisation, the IAA is committed to putting the interest of the child/young person first. To that end it will:
- Contact local HSE and/or An Garda SÃochána where there is a child protection concern
- Encourage primary carers to work in partnership with the IAA under the guidelines set out by the IAA to ensure the safety of children in their care
- Have the Designated Liaison Person available for consultation with primary carers in the case of any concern over a child or young person’s welfare
8 Allegations of misconduct or abuse by staff
In the event of allegations being made against an IAA staff member, the protection of the child/young person is the first and paramount consideration.
The IAA has a dual responsibility in respect of both the child/young person and staff member. The same person will not have responsibility for dealing with the child/young person welfare issue(s) and the staff issue(s). An allegation against a staff member will be assessed promptly and carefully. If reasonable grounds for concern exist, a formal report to the HSE will be made. The reporting procedures in relation to the child in Section 2 of these guidelines will be followed.
The IAA will maintain a close liaison with the HSE and An Garda SÃochána and will in no way undermine or frustrate the process. Agreed procedures will be followed in the context of the applicable engagement contract and the rules of natural justice. Any procedures not being implemented should be brought to the attention of the CEO.
The IAA will take protective measures appropriate to the level of risk while not unreasonably penalising the staff member – unless necessary to protect the child/young person. Protective measures might mean increased supervision, assignment to different duties, or suspension. The IAA will follow its disciplinary procedures as set out in the IAA Staff handbook.
Malicious Claims: If it is found that a malicious claim has been made by a member of the public the case will be referred to the necessary authorities or if such a claim is made by a staff member the IAA’s disciplinary process will be invoked.
In dealing with an allegation against staff two separate procedures will be followed:
- In respect of the child/young person the Designated Liaison Persons will deal with issues related to the child/young person. If allegations are made against the Designated Liaison Person then the CEO should be contacted.
- In respect of the person against whom the allegation is made, the CEO will deal with issues related to the staff member, unless the CEO is the subject of the allegation in which case the Chairman of the IAA will be asked to ideal with the matter.
- The first priority is to ensure that no child or young person is exposed to unnecessary risk
- The reporting procedures outlined in Section 2 of these guidelines will be followed
- The child/young person will be dealt with in an age-appropriate manner
- The staff member will be informed as soon as possible of the nature of the allegation and given the opportunity to respond
- The Chairperson of IAA will be informed as appropriate
- Any action following an allegation of abuse against an employee will be taken in consultation with the HSE and An Garda SÃochána
- After consultation with the HSE/An Garda SÃochána, the CEO will advise the person accused and agreed procedures will be followed
9 Complaints and comments procedures
The CEO will manage any complaint or comment received in relation to IAA’s Child Protection Policy or related Procedures.
In the case of a verbal complaint/comment the person will be asked to put the complaint/comment, in writing, after which it will be responded to within two weeks of being received.
10 Incidents and accidents
The IAA has a Health and Safety Statement in which procedures to follow in the event of an accident have been formulated.
The IAA will register the contact details of the primary carers of children/young people who attend activities/programmes as appropriate.
First aid boxes are available on each floor.
The location of the first-aid boxes is known to staff.
All incidents and accidents will be recorded in the accident book.
11 Code of Conduct for Visitors to the IAAÂ
The Irish Architectural IAA is committed to ensuring that visitors have a rewarding and enjoyable experience while visiting No. 45 Merrion Square. The IAA aims to provide a quality service in a welcome and safe environment. In return, the IAA asks that visitors adhere to the code of conduct outlined below.
- The IAA wishes all visitors to have an enjoyable stay. Visitors are therefore expected to display courtesy and respect for others and for IAA property.
- Primary carers are responsible for the safety and behaviour of children in their care. Children must be supervised at all times.
- All IAA staff must be treated with courtesy and respect. Anyone who demonstrates inappropriate behaviour towards staff or other visitors such as raising their voice, making unwanted physical contact, making sexist or racist remarks, will be asked to leave the IAA .
- The IAA has a duty of care to children and will communicate any child protection/welfare based concerns to the relevant Designated Liaison Person as outlined in Section 2 of the Child Protection Policy.
- To ensure a pleasant environment for all visitors, please be courteous when using mobile phones when on the premises. Mobile phones must be switched off in the reading room and during seminars, talks, launches and any other events.
- In order to protect the collections, the touching of display objects is not allowed.
- For reasons of copyright and conservation, photography is not permitted on the premises, unless otherwise indicated.
- Smoking is not permissible within the IAA .
- The consumption of alcohol, not obtained on the premises, is not permitted.
- Possession and/or use of any illegal drugs is strictly prohibited anywhere on IAA property.
- Visitors are not to enter areas of the IAA that are cordoned off or marked Staff Only.
- In order to avoid accidents, running within the IAA is not allowed.
- In the case of emergency or an accident, follow the directions/instructions of staff.
- The IAA reserves the right to ask visitors not following the code of conduct to leave the IAA premises.
Then IAA requires that all group leaders/teachers when on site to:
- Ensure that the agreed supervisory ratio of teacher/leader to students is maintained (generally 1 to 15). In the case of groups with children less than 16 years or those with special educational needs, ensure a supervisory ratio of 1 teacher/leader to every 10 students.
- Stay with your group and supervise the children and young people at all times as leaders/teachers have primary responsibility for the welfare and behaviour of these children and young people
- Ensure your group display courtesy and respect towards visitors, IAA staff and IAA property. Anyone who demonstrates inappropriate behaviour towards staff or other visitors, such as, raising their voice, making unwanted physical contact, making sexist or racist remarks, will be asked to leave the IAA .
- Keep in mind that the consumption of food and drink on the premises is generally not allowed.
- Prohibit the touching of display objects, unless signage specifies otherwise
- Refrain from entering areas of the IAA that are cordoned off or Designated Liaison Staff Only.
- Ensure that the prohibition against running in the IAA is obeyed.
- Follow the directions/instructions of IAA staff in the case of emergency or an accident.
- Contact a staff member in the event of a lost / missing child.
- The IAA reserves the right to ask groups, who do not adhere to this code of conduct, to leave the IAA premises.
- IAA staff will communicate any child protection based concerns/welfare to the relevant Designated Liaison Person as outlined in Section 2 of the Child Protection.
Appendix 1
Role & Responsibility of a Designated Liaison Person Role
The role of the Designated Liaison person is to:
- Establish contact with the local duty Social Work Department responsible for child protection in the organisation’s catchment area i.e. Child Care Manager or Principal Social Worker;
- Provide information and advice on child protection within the organisation;
- Inform local duty Social Work Department of relevant concerns about individual children;
- Ensure appropriate information is available at the time of referral and that the referral is confirm in writing, under confidential cover;
- Liaise with local duty Social Work Department /An Garda SÃochána and other agencies as appropriate;
- Keep relevant people within the organisation informed as appropriate, particularly the head of the organisation,
- Ensure that an individual case record is maintained of the action taken by the organisation, the liaison with other agencies and the outcome;
- Advise the organisation of child protection training needs.
- Reunite separated children with their parent, guardian, teacher or other primary carer.
The Designated Liaison person is responsible for:
- Acting as a source of advice on child protection matters
- Coordinating action in relation to Child Protection matters within the organisation,
- Liaising with Health Board and An Garda SÃochána and other agencies about suspected or actual cases of child abuse.
Appendix 2
Useful Contact Numbers
Pearse Street Garda Station 666 9000
St Vincent’s Hospital 221 4000
St James’s Hospital 410 3000
Mater Misericordiae 803 2000